Saturday, July 20, 2013

Correlation Matrix

Description: A Correlation Matrix is used to convey all correlations between data sets. The matrix above is a mathematical comparison between multiple variables.

Star Plot

Description: A star plot is also known as a radar chart. These plots are used to graphically represent multiple variables simultaneously on the same map. This s.tar plot is used to show all departments of a company and the actual vs. allocated spending within the company and even further within each department.

Stem and Leaf Plot

Description: A Stem and Leaf Plot is used to take numerical data and put it into a format to determine things such as frequency. It also makes a data list much easier to read. The map above is showing the ages of all the people at a Family Reunion.

Box Plot

Description: Box Plots are used to represent numerical data through having different quartiles where data points would fall within. Based on variation and outliers there are also lines that extend outside of these quartiles. The above map is of an experiment on the speed of light.


Description: A Histogram is a graph that shows the distribution of a data set within a range. They can be used to virtually document any data set. This particular Histogram is representing profit of Monte Carlo.

Parallel Coordinate Graph

Description: Parallel Coordinate Graphs can be used to show an entire dimensional data set, and to help determine outliers of a set. The above graph is showing the comparison between cells and genes in the body.

Triangular Plot

Description: A Triangular Plot is used to show three different variables together within a triangular map or graph. These plots can use many different techniques to show data within the triangle. The plot above is comparing clay, sand, and silt together and each on there own axis.


Description: A Windrose is used to convey wind speed and direction in a certain location. The above map is of the state of Maine.


Description: A Climograph is used to show the average temperature and precipitation at a location or several locations. The above graph is a climograph of Calcutta.

Population Profile

Description: A Population Profile is essentially a map that allows one to describe a population as a function of there age. The chart above shows the population of the District of Columbia in 2010.


Description: A scatterplot is a graph that always one to show multiple variables and sets of data within the same axis. Each piece of data is a point on the graph. The map above displays the median house prices related to the percentage of low status people in the population.

Index Value Plot

Description: An Index Value Plot is a set of points plotted onto a line graph that shows the variations of a topic over a period of time. This particular plot is on the average streamflow of water in New Mexico since 1999.

Accumulative Line Graph/ Lorenz Curve

Description: The Lorenz Curve is essentially a diagram map of how a groups wealth theoretically should be distributed while it also shows what it is. The above graph is just a diagram and has to deal with the distribution between the poor and rich.

Bilateral Graph

Description: A Bilateral Graph shows two variables that relate to each other and there data when it overlaps. The map above is showing a slave and master comparison in the field of robotics.

Nominal Area Choropleth Map

Description: A Nominal Area Choropleth Map satisfies all the qualities of a general choropleth map. The only difference is that these categorical data rather than numerical. The above map shows the 2008 House of Representatives election for the nation.

Unstandardized Choropleth Map

Description: An Unstandardized Choropleth Map is one that displays raw numbers rather than calculated data. The map above is conveying the total population in exact raw numbers.

Standardized Choropleth Map

Description: A Standardized Choropleth Map is a choropleth map that focuses on population density of an area whether it be the amount of people, animals, plants, etc. The map above is a global view of population density.

Univariate Choropleth Map

Description: A Univariate Choropleth Map is one that only displays one data set and topic, while still satisfying all of the other Choropleth Map qualities. The one above is on the Estimated Median Household Income in 2008 in the United States.

Bivariate Choropleth Map

Description: A Bivariate Choropleth Map is one that convey information on two different topics. For example, the one above shows the tracking of the west nile virus in the United States. The two topics are the number of cases found in each states and then also the approximate distance from the Mississippi River.

Unclassed Choropleth Map

Description: An Unclassed Choropleth Map is one that has an infinite amount of color values. It essentially has no range as a classed choropleth map has. The map on the left above is a classed choropleth map and the one on the right is an unclassed choropleth map. It is very easy to notice that is much more difficult to read the unclassed choropleth map even though it is much more precise in showing actual data values.

Classed Choropleth Map

Description: A Classed Choropleth Map is basically a choropleth map that uses a set number of intervals to display the information within. So, for example, the map above shows the Hispanic population density and it is split up into 5 intervals that the data points may fall within.

Range Graded Proportional Circle Map

Description: Contrary to the Continuously Variable, the Range Graded Proportional Circle Map uses a limited set of circles on there maps to display the data at hand. The only downside is that you have to generalize data based on the closest circle size in the limited set therefore accuracy takes somewhat of a blow. The map above is a map of California and the amount of Motor Vehicle Deaths in different areas.

Continuously Variable Proportional Circle Map

Description: A Continuously Variable Proportional Circle Map is just a variation off of the normal Proportional Circle Map. The only difference really is that there is multiple variables that are being conveyed in each circle or at least the possibility is there. The map above is just a map of how much meat butchers from each area sent to Paris for butchers.

Friday, July 19, 2013


Description: A DOQQ is a digitized map of an aerial photo. Since photographs can be affected by the angle its taken at and the relief caused by the angle of the sun, a DOQQ takes these photos and corrects there flaws digitally.


Description: A Digital Elevation Model (DEM) is used to show a 3D representation of an area relating to its elevation. It is essentially a 3D model of land elevation using tinting and shade relief. This is a map conveying a volcanic caldera.


Description: A Digital Line Graph is an option for maps to use be scanned into programs as a vector and then used to generalize topics. It is used in programs such as CAD.


Description: This is a DRG map of Delaware. A DRG map is essentially just a scanned USGS topographic map used at a specific resolution.

Isopleth Map

Description: This Isopleth map shows the average temperature of the United States for a week in July. An isopleth map generalizes data for areas with a continuous distribution. They are typically viewed when trying to convey things such as precipitation, elevation, and other topics capable of being viewed from a statistical stand point in the third dimension.


Description: This is an Isopach Map of Pacifica, California showing the thickness variations of Halocene sediments in an area. Isopach lines are contour lines of equal thickness of sediments.


Description: This is an Isohyet map of India. Isohyet maps are used to determine rainfall amounts and the amount along a connected line has the same amount of rainfall in those areas.


Description: This is a map of North America showing wind speed, patterns, and relative temperature to each other. Each connected line has the same wind speed in an Isotach map.


Description: This is an Isobar map of the United States. The isobar map helps to distinguish between pressures of highs and lows. You can relate high and low pressure on an Isobar Map depending on the distance between each line.


Description: This remote sensing technique called LIDAR, Light Detection and Ranging, can be used to map virtually any surface. It uses pulsed lasers and these lasers cover an area. Each laser then generates a point, and then all the points (thousands, maybe more) together generate a map of whatever it is being used for.

Doppler Radar

Description: This is a satellite doppler radar view of Florida when Hurricane Francis hit in 2004. The doppler radar tracks cloud motion through tracking its micro wave radiation. One can then calculate a cloud systems reflectivity and velocity using this information.

Black and White Aerial Photo

Description: This is a Black and White Aerial Photo view of Rochester, New York. These types of photos can be very useful for many different purposes. Depending on the height that they are taken at, black and white aerial photos can be used for navigation, area comparison, and even just to understand the way a city is set up.

Infrared Aerial Photo

Description: This is an infrared aerial photo of a neighborhood called Discovery Bay. Infrared Photos can be used for many different things such as red colors being related to live vegetation and clean water would appear black.

Statistical Map

Description: This map is conveying the dominant ethnicity of each county across the nation. This is a Statistical Map because it is showing a variation based on quantity in an area.

Cartogram Map

Description: This is a Cartogram Map because the size of each country is dependent upon there population rather than actual area size. The purpose of Cartogram Maps is to show a relation of size to amount.

Flow Map

Description: This map is a Flow Map because it is conveying the wine exports across the world from France in the 1800's. It is showing how the routes went.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Proportional Circle Map

Description: This is a Proportional Circle Map to describe the population in a small area of the Middle East. The size of each circle shows the general amount of people in that area.

Choropleth Map

Description: This is an example of a Choropleth map because it is basically a thematic map that uses statistical data of a certain matter and then implements it into a map by using graded shading. In this particular case it is to see the past presidential election between Obama and Romney.

Dot Distribution Map

Description: This is a Dot Distribution Map that is conveying the amount of Public Libraries across the nation. This is a dot distribution map because it is showing the frequency of something occurring in an area.

Propaganda Map

Description: This is a Propaganda Map that was made by the Nazi's of Germany back during World War II to put fear in the citizens of the Czech nation and the possibility of a bombing.

Hypsometric Map

Description: This is a Hypsometric Map that shows the Gioania Metropolitan Area. It is very similar to a topographic map because it uses a contour lines, but it also implements shading, tinting, and relief so that it is more appealing and easier to understand for people reading the map.


Description: This map is showing the interior of the United States and each state is then divided into smaller equal sections except for the Northeast. This is a PLSS Map because it shows the land area being divided into smaller squares.

Cadastral Map

Description: This map is showing parcels of land in a town. It is a Cadastral Map because it shows the size of each lot in relation to each other, uses of each lot, and who it is owned by. It doesn't show much past that other than the main roadways and waterways.

Thematic Map

Description: This is a map that conveys the death counts of the cholera disease back in the 1800's. This is an example of a Thematic Map because it is focusing on one topic and feature about an area which unfortunately is a widespread disease at the time.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Topographic Map

Description: Contrasting my last post, this map is a great example of Topographic Map because while it does show direction, it is also conveying elevation through contour lines. That sole difference makes it a Topographic Map rather than a Planimetric. This map is showing a part of New York City being changed.

Planimetric Map

Description: This is a great example of a Planimetric Map because it is showing direction without relation to its environment such as elevation and things like that. It is strictly showing streets and borders, and with this particular map it is showing a section of New York City being changed.

Mental Map

Description: This is a mental map that conveys how one could manage there time throughout each day, week, month, or years to come. It is very well thought out and that is exactly why I consider this a mental map. It is a persons prerogative as to how they will spend there time and this person mentally considered there options and then created this map to follow.