Saturday, July 20, 2013

Correlation Matrix

Description: A Correlation Matrix is used to convey all correlations between data sets. The matrix above is a mathematical comparison between multiple variables.

Star Plot

Description: A star plot is also known as a radar chart. These plots are used to graphically represent multiple variables simultaneously on the same map. This s.tar plot is used to show all departments of a company and the actual vs. allocated spending within the company and even further within each department.

Stem and Leaf Plot

Description: A Stem and Leaf Plot is used to take numerical data and put it into a format to determine things such as frequency. It also makes a data list much easier to read. The map above is showing the ages of all the people at a Family Reunion.

Box Plot

Description: Box Plots are used to represent numerical data through having different quartiles where data points would fall within. Based on variation and outliers there are also lines that extend outside of these quartiles. The above map is of an experiment on the speed of light.


Description: A Histogram is a graph that shows the distribution of a data set within a range. They can be used to virtually document any data set. This particular Histogram is representing profit of Monte Carlo.

Parallel Coordinate Graph

Description: Parallel Coordinate Graphs can be used to show an entire dimensional data set, and to help determine outliers of a set. The above graph is showing the comparison between cells and genes in the body.

Triangular Plot

Description: A Triangular Plot is used to show three different variables together within a triangular map or graph. These plots can use many different techniques to show data within the triangle. The plot above is comparing clay, sand, and silt together and each on there own axis.